Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Kind of Weather

  • The most common air masses that affect's the U.S. weather is cP, cT, mT, mP.
  • cT brings my favorite weather which is summer.
  • I like to swim, play basketball, earn money, go to amusement parks, and play football.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is the heating of Earth's surface and atmosphere from solar radiation being absorbed. The most common gasses in the greenhouse effect are carbon dioxide and water vapor. The greenhouse has a positive effect on our lives, it keeps us with cool, clean air. For the most part. The greenhouse effect is good, simply because without it, we would breath bad air.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Drill

What is off shore drilling?

  • Off shore drilling is the drilling of oil out in the ocean.

Why is it good?

  • Off shore drilling is good because it helps bring in oil resources, which eliviates the need for mining in our country as well as in others.

Why is it bad?

  • Off shore drilling is bad because if an oil spill or a blowout happened, it could kill the workers as well as the marine habitat. This could also cause water pollution.

How do you feel about it?

  • I feel that off shore drilling is a very effective way to save our enviroment, and stop having to use other country's for it's oil. But on the same hand, I feel that it is dangerous because of the possibility of an oil spill or an blowout. If this were to happen many creatures in the ocean would be lost, the toxic fumes could get into our air, and it could pollute our water.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Polar Bears

What does it eat?

  • Polar Bears eat any thin from fish to whales.

How does it hunt?

  • Polar Bears hunt using their great sense of smell on the ground, and they swim or hang around water holes trying to fish.

What does it do during winter?

  • During winter, Polar Bears hibernate.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Recycle Assignment

  1. We should recycle paper, metal, and plastic because it saves the cost and polution of having to make new items.
  2. People in Fayetteville can recycle by using the little blue bin, or taking their recyclebles to the nearest recycle plant and drop them off.
  3. Recycleing is a better way to do things because it can be reused in other products.
  4. Tranquil Drive Fayetteville, NC
  5. By going around in your own neighborhood and trying to get people to climb aboard on the project.

Save the world for a latte

Three things I learned:

  • I learned that a startup is betting free coffees and groceries will encourage reluctant recyclers.
  • in the south and mid-west, the recycleing rate is the lowest there.
  • recycleing is most common on the coast.

Two things that I found interesting:

  • That a town in Boston is offering free cofee and groceries to encourage reluctant recyclers.
  • The south and mid-west have the lowest rate of recycling.

One question that I still have:

  • Is this plan working for Boston.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Arguement

Based off of my own opinion, I feel that I deserve a B+ simply because I put my all into in all my work, and gave you everything that you asked for in each and every blog, to the best of my ability. I worked very hard on each one of these blogs putting off things to give this blog more attention to enhance it's quality. Thank you very much.

Recent Earthquakes

1. Near pacific ocean.

2. Because there might be a fault there.

3. Ring Fire

4. Ohio

5. Southern Alaska, magnitude 2.7. It was wednesday, september 17, 2008 at 8:18. The location was 60.249 N, 141,669 W. The depth was 14.2 km (8.8)miles.

Mass Movement

In December 2007, a storm hit chchalis and recieved 19 inches of rain to hill sides. There was more than 700 landslides due to the storm. It damaged many homes and roads.

Mass Movement

Six Crystal Forms

Cubic (Flourite)

Tetragonal (Zircon)

Hexagonal (Beryl)

Orthorhombic (Olivine)

Monoclinic (Amphibole)

Triclinic (Axinite)